Monday, April 27, 2015

About WARP

World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit

Goals of the summit

1.  To begin the process of establishing a universally applicable system of values focussing on aspects of morality and experience of life that bind us together as a global family.  

2.  Establish a basic ideological foundation upon which a World Alliance of Religious can be built in order to bring conflicts founded on differing religious ideologies to an end. 

3.  Draft and publicly make the /declaration of the World Alliance of Religions

4.  Define the roles of cultural leaders, both secular and religious, in the creation and implementation of a new, heavenly culture. 


  1. I think this saying "The candle that goes before gives the best light".
    Peace advocate Man Hee Lee, I root for him!!

  2. The result of WARP was a huge success♡
