Thursday, April 23, 2015

HWPL, Our Creed and Purpose

1.  We honor the will of Heaven and teach according to it.
2.  Our purpose is the end of war and world peace.
3.  We are a family that transcends all boundaries, races, and religions.
4.  We achieve the integration of women's and youth organizations of every nation around the world.
5.  We fulfill what was proclaimed in the Declaration of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light.
6.  We transmit our message to the people of the global village through press reports.

"I have met many former presidents, youth group leaders, female leaders, heads of religious groups and the media and offered a solution that can bring about actual peace.  The first step of the movement was to sigh the World Peace Agreement.   Because the Creator, who wants to create a peaceful world, helped us to open the hearts of the people, we were able to suggest the most practical way to achieve the peace." --- Man Hee Lee 


  1. I really like the vision that HWPL has!

  2. That cloud is like cross or bird...
    The first step of the movement was to sigh the World Peace Agreement. This is the most practical way to achieve the peace.
